The FCC’s Big Fines Over Location Data Aren’t a Privacy Success Story, TECH POLICY PRESS (May 2024)

Can the American Privacy Rights Act Accomplish Data Minimization?, TECH POLICY PRESS (Apr. 2024)

Pretty Soon, Your VR Headset Will Know Exactly What Your Bedroom Looks Like, WIRED (Oct. 2023)

Where You Look Is Personal, TECH POLICY PRESS (June 2023)

A Post-Mortem on State Privacy Legislation, TECH POLICY PRESS (July 2021)

A Guide to Reining in Data-Driven Video Game Design, BROOKINGS TECH STREAM (June 2021)

Beware the Privacy Panacea, TECH POLICY PRESS (Apr. 2021)

The Race to Map Reality so Silicon Valley Can Augment It Is On, SLATE FUTURE TENSE (Sept. 2020)

Establishing Privacy Controls for Virtual Reality and Immersive Technologies, IAPP PRIVACY PERSPECTIVES (Sept. 2020)

Can You Protect Privacy If There’s No Real Enforcement Mechanism?, TECHDIRT (May 2020)

Private Rights of Action Shouldn’t Be a Yes-No Proposition in Federal Privacy Legislation, IAPP PRIVACY PERSPECTIVES (Oct. 2019)

Can FTC Consent Orders Effectively Police Privacy?, IAPP PRIVACY PERSPECTIVES (Nov. 2018)

Where Are the Data Brokers?, SLATE FUTURE TENSE (Sept. 2018)

EU’s New Privacy Law Should Be Embraced by the U.S., STAT (June 2018)


Achieving Congruence between New Tech and Old Norms: A Privacy Case Study of Spatial Mapping Tech in XR, STANFORD CYBER POLICY CENTER (forthcoming 2024)

Faces and Places: Exploring Data Portability in Immersive Technology, DTI DATA PORTABILITY COMPENDIUM (2024)

Augmented Reality + Virtual Reality: Privacy & Autonomy Considerations in Emerging, Immersive Digital Worlds, FUTURE OF PRIVACY FORUM (2021)

Safe and Secure VR: Policy Issues Impacting Kids’ Use of Immersive Tech, COMMON SENSE MEDIA (2021)


The Intersection of Trust and Privacy in the Sharing Economy, ETHICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE, Vol. II (2018)

Beyond the Common Rule: Ethical Structures for Data Research in Non-Academic Settings, 13.2 COLO. TECH. L.J. 101 (2015)

Press Start to Track? Video Game Player Privacy, 42:4 AIPLA QUARTERLY JOURNAL 527 (2014)

Big Data: Catalyst for Privacy Change, 48 INDIANA LAW REVIEW 213 (2014)

Buying & Selling Privacy: Big Data’s Different Burdens & Benefits, 66 STANFORD LAW REVIEW ONLINE 47 (2013)


Privacy Is Key: Holding EdTech Accountable, HEINRICH-BÖLL-STIFTUNG (2021)

California Privacy Law Shows Data Protection on the March, ABA ANTITRUST, Vol. 33:1 (2018)

The VPPA and PII: Is Geolocation Another Anonymous Identifier?, Bloomberg BNA PRIVACY AND SECURITY LAW REPORT (2016)


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